Why Are Women in Saudi Arabia Wearing Their Abayas Inside Out

Thousands of women are currently wearing their abayas inside out in Saudi Arabia. Why are they doing so? This question isn't easy to answer, but we can start by examining what the reasons for the trend are. These reasons can be categorized into three categories: Piety, Civil liberties, and Privacy concerns.

Moral guardians

Despite a series of changes, Saudi Arabia's guardianship system remains a major obstacle to women's rights. The country's male guardians control the movement of women, impose strict rules on women's dress, and force women to seek the approval of their male relatives for everyday activities. It also impairs women's ability to seek work and travel abroad.

Saudi Arabia has made limited changes to its guardianship system to facilitate women's employment. However, the changes are insufficient. In April 2016, the country announced its Vision 2030, which calls for greater investment in women's productive capacities. It also calls for the abolishment of male guardianship. It should also sign the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).

The Guardianship Law, which was enacted in 2013, allows the Ministry of Labor and Social Development to enter a place of abuse without a guardian's permission. This important measure is an important step towards addressing the problem of family violence, but many aspects of the guardianship system remain uncodified.

The system also requires women to seek permission before leaving the country. For example, Saudi women cannot obtain passports without the approval of their male guardians. The law also requires women to have a male relative accompany them. They can be asked to accompany women to perform important tasks, such as filing a police complaint or signing a lease.

Women are also prevented from driving, although this ban is not mandatory under Islamic law. Women's rights activists have called on Saudi Arabia to abolish the male guardianship system. In 2017, a women's rights activist was imprisoned for three months for leaving her home without the male guardian's permission.

The guardianship system restricts women's rights and violates their human rights. It also makes it difficult for women who have experienced family violence to access redress mechanisms. The Saudi system also impairs women's ability to participate in public life, such as voting.

Saudi Arabia's guardianship system limits women's freedom, putting the Saudi state in violation of its international human rights obligations. It also stifles women's political dissent.


Using abayas inside out is a stealthy feminist protest. Abayas have long been worn by women in the Arab world for practical reasons. For instance, an abaya is more comfortable to wear than a traditional dress or gown.

The abaya may be the most important piece of clothing for women in the Arab world, but it does not have to be worn all the time. Recently, Saudi Arabia relaxed its dress regulations, allowing some women to wear short skirts and dresses. In some regions, women are allowed to drive cars, though a male relative must be present. In other regions, abayas may be worn in public, but the hijab is still required.

Abayas are a symbol of modesty. In Islamic culture, they are an enticing sign of respect for women, and also a good way to demonstrate the piety of a Muslim woman. However, this is not a reason to wear the abaya. In other countries, women wear the abaya, but it is worn for different reasons. In many places, women are more concerned with piety than dress. In Iran, women are allowed to wear the abaya when they visit mosques, and in Indonesia, women are encouraged to wear abayas in public.

The abaya may be a cliche, but it is a worthwhile symbol of modesty. The abaya is a long, black robe that is worn by women in Saudi Arabia. In many countries, it is worn for practical reasons, such as performing Hajj. In Saudi Arabia, it is worn for religious reasons, such as demonstrating piety and honor. Traditionally, women in Saudi Arabia wear the abaya when they leave the home.

The abaya is a good omen, but not enough women wear the abaya. There are still plenty of women who wear the abaya in the privacy of their homes, but it has become more common to see women wearing it in public. There are many women who wear abayas at the gym, or to go shopping, but they are not required to wear them. In addition to the abaya, women in Saudi Arabia are required to wear a hijab, a niqab, or the hijab in the plural.

Privacy concerns

Taking the crown of the oh so small, it's no surprise that privacy concerns are a top tier of most people's lives. A few notable exceptions have been tamed by a savvy set of bureaucrats. Amongst them is the one of a kind sexiest women, as well as the sexiest man on the planet. Having said that, the sexiest man on the map does a mean a lot of women. In this regard, the sexiest men on the planet may not be a bad thing, but the sexiest women on the planet might not be the best thing to have. One can only wonder if the sexiest men on the map have had the same quality of life as the sexiest women on the map.

Civil liberties

Throughout history, women in Saudi Arabia have been required to wear an abaya, a loose-fitting dress that covers the entire body. In recent years, women in the Kingdom have started wearing colorful abayas, which contrast with the traditional black robes.

Despite recent improvements, women's rights in Saudi Arabia remain under scrutiny. A woman's right to choose her own clothing, travel, and use personal wealth are all subject to government regulation. Women are not allowed to own or rent housing without the consent of a male guardian. The male guardianship system severely restricts women's liberties.

Saudi women have been calling for greater freedoms since the 1990s, including the right to drive. In June, Saudi Arabia finally lifted a decades-old ban on women drivers. However, women must still wear abayas and headscarves in public.

The Saudi government should remove all restrictions on women's driving, as well as provide women with equal access to education and transportation. The government should also allow women to run political parties and participate in competitive elections.

The Saudi government should also allow women to practice law and receive legal counsel. Domestic violence is a problem in Saudi Arabia, but the police are unable to investigate allegations of abuse. There are no laws protecting women who report abuse. The police may also be hesitant to investigate such reports, citing the threat of prosecution.

Saudi women's rights are being challenged by a new form of protest. One young Saudi woman, Jaloud, posted a video online of her attempt to enter a mall without wearing an abaya. The video drew international attention and condemnation. In response, the Saudi royal demanded Jaloud to "shut up and get on with her life" and threatened to punish her.

The abaya is also being challenged in another way. A 25-year-old human rights activist has been living in Riyadh without an abaya for the past four months. She has faced hostility at a supermarket and a mall.

Saudi Arabia is in the midst of a transition period, as the country attempts to liberalize. The country is also facing international scrutiny for its repressive women's rights policies.